Southern nevada, USA
Highline Project
- Located in mineral rich Goodsprings district in Southern Nevada, USA surrounded by four historical Copper-Cobalt
producing mines. - Comprises 5 patented mining claims totaling 90.4 acres
located 48 kms southwest of Las Vegas. - The mineralisation is hosted within bedding planes in dolomitized limestones.
- Project area adjacent to ASX listed New World Cobalt’s (NWC) claims and Tyranna Resources (TYX) claims.
Previous Exploration
- Sampling by the vendor has demonstrated the presence of high-grade cobalt and copper mineralization including:
- 7.08% cobalt and 2.48% copper
- 2.13% cobalt and 1.48% copper
- 1.53% cobalt and 7.93% copper
- 0.32% cobalt and 12.4% copper1
- Historical small scale mining occurred between 1917-1921 on the Highline claim group, with production results of up to 12.45% cobalt and an average production grade of 35% copper.
- Historical records1 report that by the end of 1962, the Goodsprings District had yielded; 109,000 tons of zinc, 47,000 tons of lead, 2,500 tons of copper, 90,500 ounces of gold, 2,100,000 ounces of silver, and 5.5 tons of cobalt.
1 – ASX Announcement – Highline Project – Sampling Confirms High Grade Results – 7 November 2018
This information is extracted from the report entitled “Geology and Ore Deposits of the Goodsprings Quadrangle, United States Department of
the Interior Professional Paper 162, DF Hewett 1931 and is available to view on https://pubs.er.usgs.gov/publication/pp162.